
Social Security

Social Security Disability Insurance is a federal form of insurance (funded through payroll taxes) that is designed to protect people who become disabled and can no longer work. Getting Social Security Disability benefits, however, is often a complex and bureaucratic process. It is common for a person’s claim to be denied multiple times before being approved for benefits.

The Law Office of Jack Goodchild, PLC, can help you by assisting with the reapplication process. We will then fight to ensure that your claim is approved and that you receive the greatest benefits possible. If you have become disabled, and you are no longer able to work, then you may qualify for Social Security Disability benefits.

There are many factors, however, that affect your eligibility. For example, your disability must be expected to last more than a year, and you must have paid Social Security taxes for roughly five out of the last ten years. Also, if you are under the age of 31, a different set of requirements will apply. The actual Social Security Disability benefits that you receive will depend on your age and earnings history. Applying for Social Security Disability benefits can be a difficult, bureaucratic, and discouraging process. Even when a person clearly qualifies for benefits, his or her application may be rejected multiple times.

The Law Office of Jack Goodchild, PLC, can help you by offering guidance with the complex reapplication process. Using our extensive knowledge of the law and the Social Security Administration, we will ensure that your claim is approved and that you get the greatest benefits possible.

If you have become disabled, and can no longer work, we are to help you. Please call to arrange a free consultation.