
Halloween at the Law Office of Jack Goodchild

Halloween at the Law Offices of Goodchild & Duffy was a fun and festive time. The firm loves to participate in this holiday with sweet treats and dressing for the occasion. The Law Offices of Goodchild and Duffy are dedicated and hard workers when it comes to representing their clients, but isn’t afraid to also show their fun outgoing spirit.  This year the firm decorated with Halloween decorations and had a costume contest. One of the firm members also made a special cake to celebrate this occasion.  While some of the firm members are not pictured below, we had a great time celebrating and will wait to see what they have in store for their costumes next year!

Halloween 2015 Goodchild & Duffy decorations Halloween 2015 Goodchild and Duffy cake

The Law Offices of Goodchild and Duffy wishes everyone a Happy & Safe Halloween!